How Good Are Your Communications?
I have recently encountered a number of communication issues - some of my own, most occurring around me. It caused me to think about...
Best Book This Year - The Culture Code
Quick post to let you know that I've just finished reading a fantastic book - best I've read in quite a while. The Culture Code by Daniel...
Second Public Equity Fundraise Completed
John, as Interim CFO of Velocys plc, together with the Velocys team and its brokers, just closed £6m of equity financing via private...
Public Equity Fundraise Completed
John, as Interim CFO of Velocys plc, together with the Velocys team and its brokers, just closed £18.4m of equity financing via private...
Top 14 Characteristics of a "Strategic Business Partner" Finance Organization - Blog Post
Archetype 5 - The Strategic Business Partner In your best Southern Drawl, say "you might be a Strategic Business Partner if..." before...
Top 13 Characteristics of a "Bench Warmer" Finance Organization - Blog Post 10
Archetype 4 - The Bench Warmer ***Note from John: no kidding I've seen all of these displayed - this is REAL!*** In your best Southern...
John Tunison appointed Interim CFO at Velocys plc
John appointed Interim CFO at Velocys plc
Top 12 Characteristics of a "Data Analyzer" Finance Organization - Blog Post 9
Archetype 3 - The Data Analyzer ***Note from John: no kidding I've seen all of these displayed - this is REAL!*** In your best Southern...